Pediatric Holistic Health

Today we’re diving into the world of holistic pediatric health, where we'll explore a comprehensive approach to supporting your child's well-being through dietary choices, lifestyle changes, and natural remedies. We are joined by Julia, who is a seasoned paediatric expert and a Louisiana mom of two littles, and has been in practice as an FNTP, RWP for five years. She began working with children after seeing a gap in holistic care for kids in working with her own son who has had his own medical and developmental complications. It is her heart to see other families receive comprehensive and compassionate holistic care, to set their littles on a path towards a healthy and resilient childhood.

Deidre and Julia's journey began with a mutual passion for pediatrics and the mother-child relationship. Their collaborative approach to supporting children's health stems from a shared belief in the power of radical responsibility, education, and natural solutions. Their goal is to empower parents with the tools and knowledge needed to make informed decisions about their child's health.

Today on the podcast we will discuss some essential aspects of children's health that every parent should be aware of.


It's not just about what children eat – their lifestyle habits play a crucial role too. Here are a just a few lifestyle factors that can contribute to a child’s overall health and well-being:

Chewing properly: this is crucial for a child's health as it aids in effective digestion, nutrient absorption, and supports oral and dental development

Meal environment & distracted eating: creating a positive meal environment and minimizing distracted eating in children fosters mindful eating habits, encourages healthy food choices, and promotes family bonding during meals

Poop posture: maintaining a proper poop posture in children is important for ensuring optimal bowel movements and reducing the risk of constipation or other digestive discomforts

Notice mood changes before meals: paying attention to mood changes in children before meals can provide valuable insights into their emotional well-being and help identify potential hunger-related irritability or other underlying factors

Mouth breathing: persistent mouth breathing in children can lead to oral health issues such as dry mouth, improper jaw development, and an increased risk of dental problems due to reduced saliva flow and inadequate air filtration

Getting outdoors and sunshine: regular outdoor activities and exposure to sunlight are essential for children as they promote physical activity, support healthy bone development through vitamin D synthesis, and contribute to overall well-being by enhancing mood and reducing the risk of various health issues

Movement: engaging in regular physical movement is crucial for children as it fosters the development of motor skills, strengthens muscles and bones, supports cognitive function, and establishes a foundation for a lifetime of healthy habits


As parents, it's vital to be attuned to signs that might indicate underlying health concerns. Chronic constipation, acid reflux, allergies, and behavioral changes could all point to larger issues. Julia and Deidre share insights on what to watch out for and when to seek professional help from a supportive care team.

Here are some scenarios when functional testing and deeper digging may be warranted:

  • Chronic constipation

  • Acid reflux or throat burning

  • Asthma

  • Chronic loose stools 

  • Allergies 

  • Sinus congestion

  • Enlarged and swollen tonsils & adenoids

  • Type and consistency of bowel movements - solid 

  • Undigested food in stool

  • Runny nose and/or congestion

  • Chronic coughing

  • Eczema 

  • Mouth breathing 

  • Inability to sit still (for older kids)

  • Inability to focus in school

  • 3-4 year old should be able to jump around and run

  • Retained reflexes with sensory processing 


Avoiding antibiotics whenever possible is a goal shared by many parents. Deidre and Julia offer practical guidance on holistic approaches to support your child through common acute illnesses. From ear infections to fevers, they discuss dietary changes, homeopathic remedies, and natural strategies that can aid recovery while respecting the body's natural defenses. There are several common illnesses that most children will come across.

Ear infections

Children's ear canals are not completely formed so when they teeth, become congested, or have a head cold, excess mucus becomes trapped in the ear canals. The moisture and mucus begins to grow bacteria and an infection can be the result. Sometimes a build-up of pressure may create pain and fluid accumulation, without an infection present. This is the perfect time to implement changes to drain that fluid to prevent infection.

In terms of dietary changes, you can limit dairy, gluten, and sugar during ear infections and encourage the consumption of hydrating fruits, soups, broth, and breastmilk popsicles. It’s extremely important to support hydration during these type of infections.

Garlic mullein oil can be used directly in the ear and massage, which is a powerful antimicrobial that works topically. If ear drops make it hurt worse, stop and have ear looked at. If pain is severe, take in for medical evaluation. Garlic can also be ingested orally and you can cook with it more in meals to increase the consumption of this powerful food.

Tea tree, lavander and basil essential oils can be used outside of the ear but need to be diluted using a carrier oil such as coconut oil.

Earache Ease from Earthley can help provide symptoms relief and resolution.

You can help support lymphatic drainage by practicing at-home lymph massage on your child around the ears and neck to promote the movement of fluid in the ear canals.

Nasal sprays like Xlear can gently clean out the sinus to take pressure off the ears by moving mucus build-up and alleviating pressure.

Homeopathic remedies such as Silica, Chamomila, Belladonna and Pulsatilla can all be helpful symptom relief remedies during ear infections.


Fevers are an important part of overcoming any illness as it raises the core body temperature to help kill pathogens. When we instantly lower the body’s temperature, we are dampening the ability of the body to fight the pathogen, whether it be a virus or bacteria. One study found that healthy people who had a virus and took a fever reducer such as aspirin (adults only) or acetaminophen for one week had a reduced immune response and actually increased the viral shedding - aka the contagiousness of the person. These medications may reduce symptoms but they do not reduce length of illness and may make you more contagious.

As a general rule of thumb, we want to let a fever go to its full duration without suppression to allow the body’s natural process to take place.

Here are some safety considerations to keep in mind for fevers in children:

  • Treat the child not the number.

  • Trust your instincts to know when something is wrong

  • Fever >100.4F lasting 5 or more days

  • Fever with a severe headache, light sensitivity or neck pain

  • If a child is not arousable or lethargic

  • Fever and any severe abdominal pain, if they are acting off, etc.

  • If child has a fever and it burns when they urinate, medical evaluation is warranted to check for a urinary tract infection.

  • Any fever in an infant < 3 months of age needs medical evaluation, possibly ER visit. If child is dehydrated (sunken eyes, no urine output in 4-6 hours, sunken fontanelle, cracked lips, dry mouth) medical evaluation is needed.

  • If there is any difficulty breathing, fast breathing rate, or you are concerned an ER visit is needed.

Outside of these range, we want to encourage as much rest of possible during the duration of a fever. Hydration is the second most crucial component, and we want to ensure a child is well-hydrated with water, breastmilk/formula and electrolytes when indicated.

Warm or tepid epsom salt baths and be support and comforting for children during their fever, and being skin-to-skin with young children can aid in the regulation of their own body temperature through our own.

To support the immune system, consider increasing the consumption of garlic, raw honey (for children above 1-year-old) and elderberry.

Homeopathic remedies can be incredibly supportive during fevers without reducing the fever in any way by supporting the body’s natural process, and popular remedies include Aconite, Bryonia, Belladonna, Mercurus and Ferrum Phosphoricum.

Coughs and colds

Coughs are an attempt to expel toxins from the body. We don’t want to suppress the cough. We want to support the body to help it work efficiently through the cough. When the cough persists past the acute stage this is a symptom of a bigger issue.

Home treatment of cougts can include the use of Colloidal Silver throat spray (Sovereign Silver), Biocidin throat spray, bee propolis throat spray, as well as elderberry, vitamin C in the form of camu camu or acerola, garlic, and Wish Gardens Daily Immune.

Breathe Well Salve from Earthley can be helpful for symptom relief with a cough to be applied topically while Cough B Gone from Earthley can be ingested for immune support arounds coughs.


A central theme of this holistic approach is empowering parents with knowledge. Deidre and Julia emphasize that you know your child best, and recognizing when to seek further assistance is vital. A comprehensive approach with other therapies and modalities can be key to bringing your child to optimal health. You know if something isn’t right with your child, so feel confident in seeking further help when it is needed. Many kinds of therapists can help when there are roadblocks. It is important to build a supportive care team and address physical issues while addressing your child’s internal environment. Some therapies that are good to look into are:

Speech Therapy: this will address issues with oral function, mouth breathing, sinus issues, poor chewing, and language delays - they often refer out to ENTs where needed

Physical Therapy or Occupational Therapist: these teams address sensory and motor issues including but not limited to those with food and picky eating

Chiropractic Care: this is great for digestive issues like constipation, behavioral concerns, motor delays, immune dysregulation, and poor drainage

Craniosacral Therapy or Compassion Focused Therapy: these can help open up communication pathways between the brain and body, particularly the digestive system - it is also important for behavioral and mood concerns and to promote brain drainage

Therapists: play therapy offers a safe and supportive environment where children can express themselves, process emotions, and develop essential coping skills through creative and imaginative play

Lactation Consultants: these can be great for infants with latch issues, poor feeding and growth, and colic concerns


Deidre and Julia are excited to announce an upcoming Masterclass designed to provide deeper insights into pediatric health. This class explores a wide range of topics in even more detail. It's an opportunity for parents to learn about digestion, ask questions, and receive a comprehensive guidebook on acute illness support, covering everything from teething to stomach bugs. Get all the details HERE.

You can find our podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts. Check out today’s episode below.

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